The Adrian Soaring Club (ASC) is over 83 years old, started in 1934, making us one of the oldest clubs in the country. Our members are from all ages, all walks of life, and professions. Join us to experience the excitement, challenge and purest form of flying.
ASC is a non-profit and all volunteer club focused on teaching new glider pilots. Members are expected to volunteer their time and share the effort to keep the club flying. With that, all glider instruction is FREE to club members and provided by our member Certified Flight Instructors Glidder (CFIG) that volunteer their time. You pay only the glider and tow cost like all members.
Our soaring season runs from early April to late October, weather permitting. Come visit us at the Adrian Lenawee County Airport during our flight operations. The best way to try and validate that you are going to love it, is to register for a guest flight.