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ASC is a non-profit organization focused on teaching new glider pilots with several FAA Certified Flight Instructors for Glider (CFIGs) providing free instruction to any members from any age group for Private, Commercial, and Instructor ratings.
Flying gliders is a fun and cost effective way to learn flying. You can solo as young as 14 years old and get your license at 16.


If you already are a power pilot, adding on your glider rating is quite simple. The FAR require a minimum of 10 solo flights before transitioning power pilots can take the glider practical test and no written exam is required. You could be solo in just a few weekends while preparing for the test.

Again glider instruction is free to all club members, and glider flight time is much cheaper than power time. Why not have some fun learning something new for your next BFR and all of that in the friendly and fun atmosphere of the club.

Student Pilot;

There are no age limits as to when you can begin training to become a glider pilot. However, students will not be able to fly solo until they are at least 14 years old. Student certificate endorsement for solo flight is at the discretion of a CFIG. Generally, 30 to 50 flights with a CFIG are required to solo. This is roughly equivalent to 10-15 hours of flight time and is dependent upon the progress of the student.


FAA Private Pilot Glider (PPL Glider) Rating;

To obtain your private pilot certificate with a glider rating you must:

  1. Be at least 16 years old.

  2. Have no medical conditions that would prevent you from safely piloting a glider (a medical certificate is not required for glider pilots).

  3. Have logged at least 10 hours of flight time in a glider and that flight time must include at least 20 total glider flights

  4. Have a minimum of 2 hours of solo flight time in a glider with no less than 10 launches and landing performed.

  5. Have passed the FAA written examination.

  6. Have passed the oral and flight test with an FAA examiner.


FAA Commercial Pilot Glider (CPL Glider) Rating;

To obtain your commercial pilot certificate with a glider rating you must;

  1. Be at least 18 years old.

  2. Hold a private pilot license with:

    • 25 hours of flight time in gliders with at least 100 glider flights as pilot-in-command,

    • or a total of 200 hours of flight time in heavier-than-air aircraft including 20 glider flights as pilot-in-command, 3 hours or ten flights training in a glider, and five solo flights in a glider.

  3. Have passed the FAA written examination.

  4. Have passed the oral and flight test with an FAA examiner.

FAA Certified Flight Instructor - Glider (CFI-G) Rating;

To obtain your CFI-G certificate you must;​

  1. Hold a commercial pilot license.​

  2. Have an endorsement from a qualified instructor of aeronautical knowledge and flight of proficiency

  3. Have passed the FAA written examination.

  4. Have passed the oral and flight test with an FAA examiner.

Glider Add-on for previously FAA rated pilot;​

For power pilots, glider training greatly enhances stick-&-rudder skills, as well as understanding of atmospheric dynamics.


If you have a valid FAA private pilot license with a minimum of 40 hours as pilot-in-command you must:

  1. Have a minimum of 3 hours of flight time in a glider in the required area of operations.

  2. Have a minimum of 10 solo flights in a glider.

  3. Have a minimum of 3 training flights in a glider with a CFGI in preparation of the practical test within the preceding ​​​2 calendar months.

  4. Have passed the oral and flight test with an FAA examiner.


No written exam is required for glider add-on rating.


You are not yet sure if you are going to like it.

Come visit us and experience a guest flight.

You already love it and you want to learn.

Become a member and start flying now.

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