Soaring News - May 2018
Hope we can have some better flying weather for June, 8 Ops days were canceled this month due to various weather conditions but we had 5 good fly days and 56 total flights.
Congratulations to Dino DiNatale for an add CFIG rating, Dave Huck for an Instrument rating and Dan Walker for his first solo flight with ASC. Dan released at 1800 feet, reached 5000 feet and soared for 82 minutes in the K7.
All club gliders have Becker 4201 radios and all are working great including the K7, after replacing the goose neck mic. Most batteries were also replaced this year due to weak output. The K13 has 2 new Push To Talk switches installed (front and rear). These new switches require only light pressure to transmit, if you are not sure the radio is transmitting, look for a dark triangle on the radio display.
The new Pawnee engine is running great, interesting the oil analysis performed at each oil change shows the engine break-in was completed at about 200 hours by a decrease in metal content. The new leather seat is great, when the cockpit door is opened, it smells like a new car.
The new club website appears to be working great for Ops Scheduling and other valuable information. I monitor the weather during the week and update the calendar information as the weather changes which could be daily, so check the calendar for updates on weather and if the next Ops day looks favorable or not. If the weather looks flyable, I will send an invite to members usually a day in advance of a scheduled Ops day. If you want to know who has checked Yes to fly, either click on more details >> on the invite email or web calendar in the Member Only section. If at least 2 members respond with a Yes, I change the calendar information with Confirmed or Canceled due to weather or low response, another invite is not sent.
The Juniors Contest is on schedule for July 2nd through the 7th, June 30 and July 1st is for arrivals, July 1 is a practice day. If you haven’t responded to help with the contest, please do so, it will be fun helping 30 gliders launch in about an hour, most will also return about the same time after a 2-3 hour flight.
Watch your emails from the SSA or check their web site for some great webinars on how to enter, stay in or leave a thermal. This month will be how to improve your thermal skills and cross country flying.
When turning from base to final, keep the nose down and speed up. A straight string is best, excessive rudder inside the turn should be avoided, less you are practicing low altitude spins.
Tom Shipp

Photo Credit; Jean-Marie Deschamps